If this could happen to my primary schooling years, will it happen to other parts of my life too? My secondary years? My collegehood? Will they all inevitably turn into faint echos - barely audible to the living soul?
At current time, I may have blogs, Facebook, digital photographs, journal etc. to keep track of the years I have undergone. Yet I can't seem to shake off the feeling I have lost a small part of myself along with the passing of time. Though the gains may be more obvious, the loss isn't something negligible either.
Which is why, I don't think I will ever be ready for the new year. I was never quite ready in the past to usher the new year with all the gains and loss that it brought with it. But it came anyway.
So will 2010.
PS- Didn't I told you I smile like a retard? And that the camera hates me? Now you believe me? =P