Saturday, March 29, 2008

Tomorrow's World?

They say a picture tells a thousand words.

So what does all these pictures means to you?

Another emo post.


benjamin said...

they are merely an insufficient effort to describe what life is, they are human attempts to understand life,
they are nothing but a snapshots of things that we taken for granted,
they are the result of our effort to understand the meaning if life,
that man has failed to comprehend since there was time and space,
they are nothing, but humans' justification of life,
their so called raison detre,

why they try so hard to find the MEANING OF LIFE when the answer was 42 all along.

cant we accept simple truth?
can u?
hahahaha, this is meng-wtf-kan!

₥Ϊҝɨʈοᵯσ said...

It's mean peace & happiness to me...