Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 2 / Day 18

Dear XX

I have never quite encounter anyone like you. Not in my 19 years of life time at least.

Being in the same room as you has this curious effect of making me more self conscious of my own awkwardness. Every flaw, superficiality borne on my part is magnified to a pulsating degree. There was a moment where I almost lost it. Back then, all I wanted to do was to spill my guts out to you. The consequences and what the others would think almost came secondary when it comes to gaining a nod from you. At the brink of such emotions, I would often think what you would have done if you are in my shoes. You would probably came out forthright anyway. Unlike me.

Listening to you for the first time has left a deep impact within me. I am smitten by your devil-may-care candidness. But beneath the awe, your petite silhouette is somewhat a source of inspiration to me as well. I want to emulate your qualities. The eloquence, the crassness, everything.

Writing this has made me realized. I want to be you as much as I want you to be by my side.
