Monday, April 20, 2009

Terkandas or Kandas?

This morning had my driving test. To keep it short, I failed. Both my slope test (which subsequently stopped me from doing the parking and the 3 way turn) and my road driving. The reason? I am incompetent, panicky and gutless.


Until next week then.


Miss Kira said...

donno what to say..
just try again..
how come u didn't pass the road driving..

Anonymous said...

Relax la will get it soon.

Kar-Men said...

To Miss Kira - Will try again but I admit, I am a very shaky and panicky driver. Cause me to fail lo.

To Chandera - Haha, thanks! Hope so. Btw you went to JVC or PBE?

chandera said...

I went to niether.I went to Adilcap.