Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Back to School!

Did I mention school? Well, as a matter of fact I did. Today is officially the first schooling day out of the 207 schooling days that we have in the year 2008 (which also includes the public holidays). Anyway, the first day of school was a dud. Not much going on. Unless you count cleaning up a dirt covered classroom as an enjoyable activity. There is also this air of awkwardness in the atmosphere. Then again, has the school always been like this? Or did I just imagined all this up?

Honestly, I have no idea. The only thing I am so sure of, is that there are a lot of pointless, unnecessary and superficial stuff going on. Yet being aware of that doesn't help you much. It's like knowing you are a rat in a rat race and still you have no choice but to participate in it. I think it's phrased as human nature. Intriguing, eh?

Speaking of human nature, I did a very pointless (and not to mention nonsensical) calculation yesterday. It hit me so spontaneously that, I had to jot it down on a piece of paper. For you see, I did a rough estimation on the average time I spend in my daily activities. Well basic activities which a human would normally do in a year time. Such as eating, bathing, sleeping and so on. Guess what did I uncovered at the end of it? Below is a summary to it;

  1. Sleeping - 25% (on an average of 6 hours daily)
  2. School - 21% (on an average of 7 hours daily excluding stay backs and co-curriculum)
  3. Traveling - 15%
  4. Studying - 9%
  5. Bathroom - 8%
  6. Eating - 6%
  7. Entertainment - 5% (including watching Tv, blogging, cinema and so on)
  8. Tuition - 5%
I realized that at end of all this; I only have 21 days out of the 366 days in the entire year left for doing the stuff that I truly enjoy doing. Meaning that I have as much as 527 hours, 31 620 minutes and 1 897 200 seconds of free time to myself. Sigh. So what does this signify?

Anyhow, my life as a fifth former has officially begun. Whether, I am reluctant or looking forward to it, I have no choice but to comply. Amidst this adverse circumstances, I can only contemplate about my future. Albeit, the 'grim' forecast, I am actually looking forward to see all this through. Sounds contradictory of me to say so, right?

Oh heck, with it!

My current mood?

Mellow, hesitant, hopeful, tumultuous and tired.