Thursday, August 23, 2007

Overrated Holidays

Yes, it’s the holiday season once again. Holiday a simple term referring to a break with an allocated timeframe. It might mean little to some, but to others it’s one heck of a big deal. For those who are currently employed, it might mean a break from their work, free from all those working stress. Yay! To a normal student however, a holiday would be something to look forward to. A time to sleep in late at night. Waking up at irregular hours. Doing practically anything they want. Yes. SO splendid indeed. Who on earth on their right mind then would want to skip all of that?!

But then again, after quite some time going through all those countless holidays (yes, I actually lost count on how many holidays I actually had, even though I am only a sixteen years old kid) ,you would eventually come to your senses. Holiday, such an overrated term indeed. As I am busy typing away these post, I am currently undergoing my one week worth of holiday. Three days of my holiday has gone by (excluding today). And yet am I to experience any sense of serenity or peace. I am neither relax nor refresh. I have yet to accomplish anything significant within these little timeframe of mines (and others as well). Rather I have been spending my time with some fooling around, surfing the World Wide Web, chatting with others online, catching up on my reading and that’s it! Sounds very uneventful and nonsensical doesn’t it? Well guess holiday ain’t all that I suppose? Overrated indeed it has.


On a lighter note however, I did managed to watch Rush Hour 3 today. I know it’s been around the cinema for quite some time already, but oh well. It clearly shows that I am outdated with the latest happening and require a remedial class on being ‘in with the trend’ immediately! With sarcasm aside, lets talk about the movie once again shall we?

To be honest, I am yet to even watch Rush Hour 1 or Rush Hour 2 before. (gasp!) So here I am, entering the cinema with others telling me before hand that they prefer the prequel better or they felt that the sequel was way better then the previous installments. However, I am in no position to critize this show of course but I felt it was somehow fine with me as it did manage to get a few laugh out me which I am desperately in need of it anyway. (according to others that is)