Saturday, April 17, 2010

As Frustrating As It Is

Do you wanna know what is worth pulling one's hair over? Studying.Or more aptly, self studying for an upcoming exam.

Imagine this; you are casually flipping through the past year papers and you realize, you have no idea or whatsoever what the questions are asking for. You browse through the questions again. This time trying hard to recall part and pieces of what you have learned previously. Yet nothingness comes to the mind. You do not know which topics the questions are referring to nor do you know how to write any form of intelligent answers for it.

You are paralyzed with a sudden fear of impending doom. With 34 days and still counting, you just felt a horrible sensation of your stomach performing a somersault.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


"My Facebook is the epitome of - Hidup Segan, Mati Tak Mahu. But I like it."

Swiped from Today's✿Addiction☜ (new icon)'s photostream

Monday, April 5, 2010

Panic Button

It's time to hit the panic button. With 7 more weeks to go, I can't help but being OMGWTFBBQ over the whole thing. God, have mercy on my soul? I don't think so. I feel old.